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​June: Aurora Torres Perez arrives for the summer
June: New preprint on bioRxiv (Brandner et al.)
April: Ciarra Whindleton joins the lab
April: Lydia Cunitz joins the lab
March: Jessica receives an F32 NRSA fellowship from NIDA
January: Anisha receives an F30 NRSA fellowship from NIDA


December: Dr. Adrina Kocharian receives her PhD!!!​​
September: Ciarra Whindleton starts rotation
June: Reese Roberts arrives for the summer
June: Patrick is promoted to Associate Professor with tenure
May: Nicole Quintus joins the lab
May: Filip receives a MnDRIVE Predoctoral Fellowship
March: Rachel receives an F31 NRSA fellowship from NIMH
March: Jessica Swanson joins the lab
February: Filip receives an Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellowship
January: Nicole Quintus starts rotation
January: Published "Neuroligin-3 in dopaminergic circuits promotes behavioural and neurobiological adaptations to chronic morphine exposure"
January: Published "Differential Patterns of Synaptic Plasticity in the Nucleus Accumbens Caused by Continuous and Interrupted Morphine Exposure"


November: New preprint on bioRxiv (Lefevre et al.)
October: Emilia receives a BBRF Young Investigator grant
September: Anisha Adke joins the lab
August: R01 DA056331 funded by NIDA
August: Published "Characterization and mu opioid receptor sensitivity of neuropeptide Y interneurons in the mouse nucleus accumbens"
July: R01 DA056675 funded by NIDA
June: Lauren Martindale arrives for the summer
June: Crystal Lemchi starts rotation
June: Dr. Brian Trieu receives his PhD!!!
May: Ross Armant joins the lab
May: Filip Hanak joins the lab
May: Dr. Dieter Brander receives his PhD!!!
May: New preprint on bioRxiv (Retzlaff & Rothwell)
April: Dr. Carlee Toddes receives her PhD!!!
March: Filip Hanak starts rotation
: New preprint on bioRxiv (Brandner et al.)
February: Published "Angiotensin-converting enzyme gates brain circuit-specific plasticity via an endogenous opioid"​
February: Emilia receives a K99/R00 award from NIDA
February: Patrick receives the Faculty Mentorship Award from the UMN Graduate Program in Neuroscience
January: Ross Armant starts rotation
January: We made it through 2021, whew times two!


December: Faculty Research Development Grant (with Dr. Swati More) funded by UMN Office of Academic Clinical Affairs
September: New preprint on bioRxiv (Trieu et al.)
September: Published "μ-Opioid Receptor (Oprm1) Copy Number Influences Nucleus Accumbens Microcircuitry and Reciprocal Social Behaviors"​
August: Jake Noeker starts rotation
June: Anisha Adke starts rotation
June: Ashley Bolds and Pachia Yang arrive for the summer
June: Mohammed Mashal and Elysia Gauthier join the lab
May: Rachel Dick joins the lab
March: Rachel Dick starts rotation
January: Megan Brickner starts rotation
January: We made it through 2020, whew!


December: Adrina receives an F30 NRSA fellowship from NIMH
August: New preprint on bioRxiv (Toddes et al.)
June: Dieter receives an F30 NRSA fellowship from NIDA
March: P50MH119569 Conte Center funded by NIMH
March: R21DA050120 funded by NIDA
February: Published "Interruption of Continuous Exposure Exacerbates Drug-Evoked Adaptations in the Mesolimbic Dopamine System"
February: Brian receives an F30 NRSA fellowship from NIDA
February: Carlee receives an F31 NRSA fellowship from NIMH


October: Lizzie Souter starts rotation
September: Adrina Kocharian joins the lab
August: R01DA048946 funded by NIDA
July: Published "Nucleus Accumbens Fast-Spiking Interneurons Constrain Impulsive Action" 
June: Bailey Remmers joins the lab
May: New preprint on bioRxiv (Lefevre et al.)
March: Emilia receives a MnDRIVE Postdoctoral Fellowship
February: Patrick receives the Faculty Mentorship Award from the UMN Graduate Program in Neuroscience
January: Our 1st preprint posted on bioRxiv (Pisansky et al.)


October: Marc receives an F32 NRSA fellowship from NIMH
September: Dieter Brandner joins the lab
July: Rothwell & Krook-Magnuson labs receive a
Medical Discovery Team on Addiction Pilot Grant
June: Adrina Kocharian starts rotation
June: Amelia Windorski returns for the summer
March: Brian receives a MnDRIVE Predoctoral Fellowship
January: Hillary Handler starts rotation


December: Cassie Retzlaff joins the lab
November: NARSAD Young Investigator Grant from the
Brain & Behavior Research Foundation funded
October: Haleigh Mulholland starts rotation
September: Bethany Stieve starts rotation
July: Brian Trieu joins the lab
June: Carlee Toddes joins the lab
June: Amelia arrives for the summer
June: Dieter Brandner starts rotation
June: Roberto Lopez Cervera starts rotation
May: Research Grant from the Whitehall Foundation funded
April: Eshaan headed to graduate school at McGill University
March: Frank Valdes starts rotation
March: Marc receives MnDRIVE Postdoctoral Fellowship
March: News story on potential links between autism and addiction


November: MQ Fellows Award funded
October: Emilia Lefevre joins the lab
October: Tim Monko starts rotation
September: Megan Monko starts rotation
September: Marc Pisansky joins the lab
June: Brian Trieu starts rotation
June: Carlee Toddes starts rotation
May: David Leipold joins the lab
May: Eshaan Iyer joins the lab
February: New review article online
January: Kerry Trotter joins the lab


December: Rothwell lab officially open!

© 2023 by Patrick Rothwell

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